Tranz Media
- TRC created its own YouTube channel “Tranz Media” for supporting short films, documentary films, and album songs, etc. regarding the transgender community.
- The channel was launched in the year 2017.
- The center has produced an album song “VaanamThaandi” (Beyond the sky) which is the first of its kind and celebrated as the world’s first Transgender Anthem.
- The song has been viewed by more than 25,000 members on the YouTube channel.
- Hello FM stands to become Co-partner for the Media which has hosted a number of interviews of Ms. Priyababu, Managing Trustee of TRC; Ms. Solu& Ms. Aaradhana, beneficiaries from TRC. These interviews soiled a better understanding of the community.
- Various national dailies as well as local magazines such as The Hindu, Dinathanthi, and Times of India, etc. visited the center and supported in taking the center’s achievements to larger gatherings.
- Web news portal’s such as Gay star also contributed in spreading the achievements of the center to various community members.