The transgender community of India is a social entity which has detailed history and evidence can be found in ancient literature and oral traditions. The history discloses the fact that has given a reputed status in society and in court as well.

Indian Transgender community members, by default, exhibit artistic talents and many have taken arts as their main livelihood. They perform variously theatrical acts, songs and dance performances during the times of festivals and ceremonies.  In North India, it is considered that transgenders are symbol of luck and boon and they are invited for all the celebrations.

Despite, all these favorable scenarios, Transgender community still face stigma and discrimination for their gender identity by their family and society.  Most of the Transgenders turn to be school drop-outs as a result of such discrimination at their tender age primarily due to self-realization of their identity and expressing it.  No transgender individual is an exception as a victim of harassments and abuses from the society.

The change in the vision of the society in recent years provides the community to make its own successive paths.


To impart knowledge about transgenders in order to generate an equal opportunities in all arena. The center empowers the society by providing transformative education, resources and also strengthening the well being of the trans community.


Transgender Resource Center has been set up in order to collect and document the resources available about the trans community and utilize those document for the social, economic, political empowerment of the community.


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