Community Development
- Solua a qualified Physiotherapist approached TRC to place herself in a job. Though she is qualified, she faced difficulties because her certificates which bear her name or the gender of her birth. TRC stood by her side to change the name in the certificates. Besides, TRC approached then District Collector Mr. VeeraRaghava Rao for her job. As per the plea, Ms. Solu is appointed as a Physiotherapist in Chellampatty and now she is taking care of 40 mentally challenged kids.
- Aaradhana came to TRC with her dream to become a police official. TRC supported her in getting her certificates and provided financial support for her exam preparation. Now, she cracked the exam and waiting for her physical test.
- Nazriyaa transwoman police official in Ramanathapuram attempted suicide since she faced discrimination in her office. TRC team went and met her in hospital. The team counseled her for her recovery.
- Swetha transwoman social activist and founder of the Born 2 Win organization has been supported by TRC through fundraising, writing proposals, and guidance for her Trans Queen Function.
- Sana a transwoman who wants to place herself in the Tamilnadu Police Department is getting guidance from TRC to attain her dream.
- Nakshatra young transwoman is guided by TRC to pursue her higher education.
- Six transpersons with the help of TRC were admitted to Indira Gandhi National Open University to pursue their education.
- BharathiKannammaa transwoman in her sixties is getting medical support from TRC.
- Oorvasia transwoman and a social activist are getting guidance to continue her education from TRC.
- TRC is one of the board members of the Tamilnadu Trans Society network.
- TRC Joined hands with Ms. Subiksha, a transwoman social activist in Bangalore to plan the draft to organize the Koovagam Festival.